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Recovery of the international tourist market in the first 6 months of the year 2024

  • 03/07/2024
  • s 13:26

(TITC) – Thanks to the open visa policy and effective international tourism promotion activities, the results of receiving international visitors to Vietnam in the first half of 2024 have achieved very positive results.

Figure 1. International visitors by month of 2024 (thousands arrivals)

Source: Compiled from General Statistics Office

In June 2024, the number of international visitors reached more than 1.2 million arrivals, adding to the number of international visitors in 6 months to over 8.8 million arrivals, an increase of 58.4% over the same period last year and 4.1% higher than the same period in 2019.

Korea continues to be Vietnam's largest source market in the first half of 2024 with 2.2 million arrivals (accounting for 25.8%). China ranked second, reaching 1.8 million (accounting for 21.4%). These two markets alone contributed 47.2% of the total number of international visitors in the past 6 months.

Next were Taiwan (630 thousand), America (415 thousand), Japan (336 thousand), and Malaysia (254 thousand). In the top 10 largest markets, there are also Australia and India. These two markets have risen to 7th and 8th positions, ahead of Cambodia and Thailand in 9th and 10th.

Figure 2. Top 10 tourist source markets of Vietnam in the first half of 2024 (thousands of arrivals)

Source: Compiled from General Statistics Office

Major markets in Northeast Asia were the main driving force for the recovery of international visitors. In particular, the Chinese market increased by 229.4% over the same period in 2023, Korea (+42.4%), Japan (+39.2%), and Taiwan (+95.5%).

Nearby markets in Southeast Asia grew well, including Indonesia (+116.1%), Philippines (+57.3%), Laos (+19.9%), Cambodia (+17%), Malaysia (+9.3%), Singapore (+9.8%). India continues to grow well (+32.1%). The Thailand market alone decreased by 14.8%.

Notably, European markets all grew vibrantly, including main markets such as the UK (+29.2%), France (+37.1%), Germany (+32.0%), Italy (+67.2%), Spain (+42.5%), Russia (+75.2%), Denmark (+32.6%), Norway (+31.1 %), Sweden (+31.1%). These are all markets that enjoy a unilateral visa exemption policy for entry into Vietnam with stay duration to 45 days, effective from 15 August 2023.

Figure 3. Recovery of some international tourist markets in the first 6 months of 2024 compared to the same period in 2019

Source: Compiled from General Statistics Office

Regarding the level of recovery to 2019, in Jan – Jun period, the number of international visitors from most regions was higher than the same period in 2019, of which Australia increased 119%, Asia (106%), America (103%). Europe was nearly fully recovered, 92%.

In South Asia, notably, the potential market of India grew dramatically, reaching 312% compared to before the pandemic. Similarly, Cambodia (396%), Indonesia (177%), Laos (140%), Philippines (121%), Singapore (118%). Thailand (92%) and Malaysia (85%) recovered to a lesser extent.

In Northeast Asia, the major market Korea recovered well, reaching 110%, Taiwan (147%). However, China has only recovered at 76%, Japan at 74%.

In Europe, main markets such as Spain up to 120%, Italy (113%), Germany (110%), and the UK (101%). France is close to a full recovery at 94%. In addition, the US market also exceeded 2019 levels (+106%), and Australia (+122%).

In general, in the first 6 months of 2024, the number of international visitor arrivals to Vietnam continues to grow positively, higher than the same period before the pandemic. Happily, in the first 4 months of the year, the number of visitors reached over 1.5 million arrivals. Many markets have largely recovered completely and exceeded 2019 levels.

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